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Discover a world of creativity and design inspiration! Here, you'll find a rich collection of graphics, layouts, tutorials, and much more to fuel your creative projects. Whether you're a designer, content creator, or just passionate about visual storytelling, I've got something for you. Browse through our carefully curated resources, learn new skills, and take your projects to the next level. I'm constantly updating the content to keep you inspired and ahead of the game. Let's create something amazing together!

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How to link Images

The basic code:



<img> An image is used;
target="_blank" "blank" stands for new window, meaning that the link opens in
a new window;
border="0" With the attribute, you get a border around your image. If you enter 0 here, no border will be created;
src="URL" This is the source of your image, meaning the URL;


Target Codes:

_blank The link opens in a new window;
_self The link opens in the same window/tab;
_parent The link opens in a parent frame;
_top The link opens in the topmost frame;
framename The link opens in the selected window (frame);

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